Sales Competency Assessment™

What it is

Sales Competency Assessment™ (SCA) is a structured investigation and coaching tool for the professional development of professional sales in various sectors. SCA focuses on processes, techniques, and behaviors closely related to performance and success in sales and provides a powerful, practical, and comprehensive investigation tool (customized Survey) that assesses a seller’s core competencies at every stage of the sales cycle.


Sales Competency Assessment™ allows you to:

  • train your sellers in the most successful sales techniques
  • improve your ability to build and maintain high sales performance
  • increase individual awareness of such skills, develop sales potential and performance.


Sales Competency Assessment™ is characterized by intensive practical activities, supervision, and role-playing, designed ad hoc to simulate real sales situations. Based on the results of the SCA Survey, the trainer structures his/her training intervention in a targeted way on the skills really needed by the group of participants, without wasting time on those already acquired and already applied by the sales team. The combination of feedback from the SCA Survey and the SCA Workshop will introduce your sellers and their sales managers to a new and effective training and experiential experience, in order to increase their effectiveness in sales and negotiations. The feedback from the Survey will include:

  • Overall results
  • General analysis of commercial performance
  • Analysis of the seller’s sales performance (how he/she perceives himself/herself, how he/she is perceived by the manager and customers)
  • A detailed analysis of the feedback concerning the following areas:
    • Preparation
    • Making contact
    • Needs analysis
    • Product presentation
    • Service Line
    • Objection handling
    • Negotiation
    • Closing the sale
    • Listening skills
    • Etc…


Sales Competency Assessment allows you to:

  • accurately identify the strengths and areas for improvement of each individual seller on the team
  • provide personalized coaching for salespeople based on their level of skill and competencies
  • create consensus within the organization on the sales objectives to be achieved and the measures to be adopted to reach them
  • focus the training path on the performance and objective competencies demonstrated by the sellers, in order to systematically monitor their performance and supervise them effectively and specifically (personalized role-playing on real cases)


Jean-Benoit Parat & François Pham  
Partners and Consultants, Open’ Act 

Sales Competency Assessment™ was developed by Open’ Act in Paris (France), a consulting company led by Jean-Benoit Parrot and Mr. Francois Pham – two industry experts who have conducted extensive research in the assessment of sales competencies in various sectors over the past 15 years. Open’ Act is the headquarters of Persona Global’s European Office, LCD, and official partner of Persona GLOBAL products.

Sales Competency Assessment ™ Customers

  • Agridis (Agriculture , France)
  • Bang & Oluffsen (Manufacturing/Durable Goods, France)
  • Cavaltour (Travel/FMCG, Spain)
  • Chloride Group PLC (Pharmaceutical/Chemicals, U.K.)
  • Coopervision (High tech, U.K.) Equant (Telecommunications ,Spain)
  • GDF SUEZ (Energy, France)
  • Grand Hyatt Singapore (Tourism-Hotels, Singapore)
  • Kaiser Distant (selling of MRO goods, France)
  • Kraft Maintenance, Repair & Operation (France)
  • Merck Sharp & Dohme (Chemicals & Industry, France)
  • Nandi Toyota (Automotive, India)
  • On Q Business Systems (Information Technology, Australia)
  • Osim International Ltd. (Bank, Finance & Insurance, Singapore)
  • Xerox (Office Products/Services, France)


B Perrier, Le vendeur developpeur: modernité commerciale et développement d’activities, Les Editions PUG
Amatheiu, Ecologie des strategies de vente, Les Editions ESF
Whiting, Les cinq grandes règles de la vente, Les Editions Dunod
Moulinier, Les entretiens de vente, Les Editions d’Organisation
W DelAunay, Développer vos capacitiés de vendeur, Les Editions Dunod
PY, Gérer son secteur de vente et son portefeuille de clients, Les Editions d’Organisation
Zigmund, Basic Sales Skills: Business to Business, Lightell
D Pernel, Le client d’abord! La démarche Qualit’e dans la vente, Les Editions d’Organisation
Stephens, Customer-Focused Selling: Understanding customer needs, Building Trust and Delivering Solutions, Adams
Duverdier, En avant dans las vente de services, Les Editions Presse du Management
Costat, Techniques de vente les plus effi caces, Les Editions Presse du Management
D Leroux, Les dimensions cachées de la négociation, Les Editions INSEP
The Art of Business Negotiation, Harvard Business Review, 1991
U Fisher, Getting to Yes, Patton
Hamon, Négocier avec sucès: préparer, piloter, et réussir ses négociations, Les Editions Nathan
Y Lelouche, F Piquet, La négociation Acheteur/Vendeur, Les Editions Dunod
E Tronnes, Closers: Great American writers on the Art of Selling
BERNOLE, Le coaching des vendeurs, Les Editions d’Organisation
D ZEYL, Animation et contrôle de la force de vente, Les Editions d’Organisation

Persona GLOBAL® is a worldwide provider of assessment tools and methodologies for businesses, specializing in change-oriented leadership, communication, organizational alignment, sales, customer service, and management. Persona GLOBAL®’s surveys and methodologies are currently available in over 70 countries; its programs have been translated into 38 languages. More than 1,400 Persona GLOBAL® certified professionals worldwide support their clients as strategic business partners.

Some companies that have benefited from Persona GLOBAL®’s programs:

  • BMW
  • Mitsubishi
  • Disney
  • Coca-Cola
  • Hitachi
  • Applied
  • Materials
  • Dell
  • Computer
  • IBM
  • Alcatel
  • Motorola
  • British Airways
  • Japan Airlines
  • Credit Suisse
  • American Express
  • SONY
  • Music Entertainment


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